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2025 Orthopaedic Symposium - Call for Presenters

The 2025 Orthopaedic Symposium is a national conference dedicated to the practice of orthopaedic physiotherapy in Canada and is being held as a partnership between the Orthopaedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association and the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy. The contribution of our members and our extended community is critical and we value your input greatly.


If you have not yet submitted a presentation, please click the "Create New Account" button below to begin. IMPORTANT NOTE: your CAMPT or NOD website member login credentials will not work here, as this is a separate system requiring its own account.  

After your account has been created, you will be able to see submission guidelines, submit a presentation, and track its progress. You can login here using the new account credentials you made, and edit your account and submissions at any time.

If you have any questions regarding your submission, please contact us at: info@orthosymposium.ca 

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