david avrin
CSP, Global Speaking Fellow
Customer Experience is Your New Speaker Advantage
What Works, What Doesn’t and Why It Matters More Than Ever!
Monday, December 9th at 8:30 a.m.
The greatest source of lost revenue for your speaking business is the potential gig you never knew about. The meeting planner clicked away from your “Contact” form, hung up on your voice mail message, or hired another speaker before you even had a chance to respond to the inquiry. Worse yet, you have no idea who they were, or how many gigs you lost.
In this timely, high-content and entertaining presentation, popular Customer Experience and Marketing expert David Avrin, will shine a light on a monumental shift in buying behavior and expectation, while showing you how to eliminate barriers, engage prospects and become the easiest speaker to do business with.
David Avrin, CSP, Global Speaking Fellow: One of the most in-demand business marketing and customer experience speakers in the world today, David Avrin, CSP, Global Speaking Fellow, has shared his content-rich, entertaining and memorable presentations to enthusiastic audiences across North America and in two dozen countries on 6 continents including recent clients in: Singapore, Bangkok, Melbourne, Brisbane, Antwerp, Sri Lanka, Melbourne, Manila, Rotterdam, Barcelona, Monte Carlo, Buenos Aires, London, Johannesburg, Belfast, Bogota and Dubai. David Avrin is the author of 5 books including the acclaimed: It's Not Who You Know, It's Who Knows You!, Visibility Marketing, and his newest Customer Experience book: Why Customers Leave (and How to Win Them Back) is being published in Russian, Spanish, Chinese and an English version in India. Learn more at