Breakout Sessions

Sajel Bellon

Disrupt, Debunk and Defy the Status Quo: Dare to THINK & DO Differently!

Sajel Bellon

Monday, December 11, 2023 
10:25 AM - 11:25 AM

As Speakers, we have an obligation and the opportunity to inspire our audiences. From the stage, we magnify our collective experiences from different angles, moving through pain points to new possibilities! Yet, many still feel stuck or caught in undesirable cycles. That’s because we need to DO things differently. This interactive discussion will explore how our social-conditioning influences our concepts, relationships and experiences impacting our quality of life personally and professionally. In order for our audiences to FEEL different, we must THINK and DO differently.

Let’s challenge the status quo!

Louise Côte

Au-delàs des discours; Les 5 points clés d'une Conférence Creative et Impactante

Louise Côté

Monday, December 11, 2023 
10:25 AM - 11:25 AM

Chaque année, les entreprises canadiennes cherchent à offrir à leurs employé(e)s des activités d’apprentissage innovantes. Évidemment, au-delà du sujet recherché, les organisateurs redoublent d’efforts pour dénicher des conférencier(ière)s qui ne laisseront personne indifférent. C’est là que vous avez une opportunité de faire une réelle différence!
L'objectif qui vous est proposé à travers ces cinq points clés, est de briser les conventions afin de laisser une empreinte durable grâce à des expériences sensorielles différentes, parfois ludiques mais toujours percutantes

Rie Lowe

Beyond the Stage: Unveiling the AI Wizardry in Professional Speaking

Rie Lowe

Monday, December 11, 2023   
10:25 AM - 11:25 AM

Witness the awe-inspiring capabilities of AI as it opens a world of opportunity for professional speakers. Discover how to amplify creativity, streamline content generation, and entrance your audience like never before.

Through integrating AI technology, you’ll be empowered to craft compelling narratives, engage hearts and minds, and leave lasting impressions on participants. Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional approaches and embrace the boundless possibilities of AI-powered speech delivery.

IJ McIntyre

Transitioning while you're still 'On Top'

I.J. (Ida-Jean) McIntyre

Monday, December 11, 2023    
10:25 AM - 11:25 AM

When do you know it's time to wind down your speaking biz?
What do you do with your IP, programs, and systems?
How can you transition while you’re still ‘on top?’

This facilitated conversational style session will provide clues, tips & and tools to help participants explore ideas, options, and timing for their business and life planning.

Béatrice Fornari

Valoriser votre leadership de conférencier et conférencière grâce à l’intelligence émotionnelle

Béatrice Fornari

Monday, December 11, 2023 
11:40 AM - 12:40 PM

Si l’on considère que le leadership est cette capacité à guider, à conduire et à inspirer, qu’en est-il de cette compétence lorsque nous sommes confrontés au regard du public ? Et quand le leadership résonne en termes de pouvoir, d’autorité et de légitimité, quelle posture choisissons-nous d’adopter face au public ?

Affirmer son leadership, le considérer et l’optimiser, cela requiert une reconnaissance précise de ses ressentis et une gestion consciente de ses émotions afin de capter l’auditoire sans se déstabiliser, se connecter aux autres avec confiance, et partager son expertise avec empathie. C’est ce que nous apporte cette fameuse intelligence émotionnelle dont nous sommes tous dotés.

Venez partager un atelier qui réunit votre cerveau et vos émotions pour booster votre posture et apprivoiser votre stress dans vos prises de parole. Expérimenter en s’amusant, comprendre votre profil émotionnel de « speaker », et découvrir trois outils d’intelligence émotionnelle à déployer sans modération, vous serez au bon endroit pour nourrir l’envie de rester sur scène !

Mark Morin

Everything You Know About Marketing is Wrong (well almost)!

Mark Morin

Monday, December 11, 2023 
11:40 AM - 12:40 PM

Marketing professional services in this fast-paced and ever-changing digital age is a challenge fraught with misconceptions, bad advice, and "worst practices" that eat away your time, produce little true impact, and get in the way of business results.

This session will debunk many common beliefs about digital (and traditional) marketing and set the record straight on what truly works beyond the usual marketing hype. This session, by a 40-year career marketer with international and global brand experience, will save you a ton of time, effort and money by showing you what works, what doesn’t, and why.

Erick Rheam

Lead Without Speaking – The Importance of Nonverbal Communication

Erick Rheam

Monday, December 11, 2023
11:40 AM - 12:40 PM

You cannot achieve anything of significance without the help of others. Solid communication skills are paramount if you desire to gain buy-in from your colleagues, leadership, friends, and family; however, your words are only part of your communication repertoire. Studies show that 55% of communication is nonverbal and two people will signal over 800 nonverbal cues over the course of a thirty-minute conversation. That’s why I developed a highly entertaining and informational keynote that teaches the participants the principles and applications of body language and techniques that can be used immediately to enhance communication and influence.


Captivate Your Audience with Slide Decks Designed in Canva


Monday, December 11, 2023 
11:40 AM - 12:40 PM

A great slide deck can be the difference between an average audience experience and an excellent one. Imagine having slides that are so fabulous, that people comment on them in surveys. If you’re curious about how to level up your deck, this session is for you. Using Canva, Twist will demonstrate the profound difference simple choices can make, including the Less-is-Better Method, animations, and transitions, and how to stay on brand. Although not necessary, some familiarity with Canva is helpful. Twist will also share how she responds to questions from meeting professionals and AV teams about accessing and sharing her decks. Bring your laptop, try some techniques out, and start creating a deck that elevates not only your audience’s experience but also changes how you see yourself.

David Beaudoin

Cheddar Days are Coming!

David Beaudoin

Monday, December 11, 2023
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Join Canadian Cheese Ambassador, David Beaudoin, as he takes us on a historical journey of cheezy proportions. Relax and enjoy mouth-watering pairings within the beautiful confines of the Château Frontenac. Expose your tastebuds to an eclectic selection of exceptional and sensual Canadian cheese pairings, while engaging with your CAPS friends and colleagues.

David will spin stories that will leave you holy-cow wowed as he mixes curds of history with his passion and knowledge to create a truly gouda recipe! So, if you’re feeling bleu, come to convention and brie part of the excitement!

Adrian Davis, CSP

Employing an LMS to Drive Customer Outcomes and Deepen Customer Engagement

Adrian Davis, CSP

Tuesday, December 12, 2023  
9:55 AM - 10:55 AM

In an era where customer engagement is paramount to success, harnessing the potential of a comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS) can be a game-changer for professional speakers. This 55-minute workshop is designed to equip fellow speakers with the insights and strategies to maximize the benefits of an LMS, revolutionizing the way they deliver value to their customers and build long-lasting relationships.

During this interactive session, I will share firsthand experiences and lessons learned from my journey as a professional speaker leveraging an LMS. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the value an LMS brings to their business and how to harness its potential to enhance customer outcomes.

Michelle Cederberg, CSP & Joe Heaps

Streamlining Success: The Power of Automated Systems for Speakers

Michelle Cederberg, CSP & Joe Heaps

Tuesday, December 12, 2023  
9:55 AM - 10:55 AM

If your business isn't growing like you want, the problem may come down to systems. Discover how successful speakers are taking their businesses to new heights by embracing automation. This transformative approach frees up valuable time for revenue-generating activities. Join Michelle and Joe as they reveal tangible examples of the cutting-edge tools that top speakers in the industry are leveraging. Don't miss this opportunity to turbocharge your speaking career and enhance your business growth.

This captivating session will redefine how you approach your office tools, leading to greater freedom and scalability in your speaking business.

Patricia Regier

Journey to Engagement: Navigating the Learning Experience in a Hybrid Era

Patricia Regier

Tuesday, December 12, 2023 
9:55 AM - 10:55 AM

Patricia Regier invites you to embark on an innovative adventure in this workshop, "Journey to Engagement: Navigating the Learning Experience in a Hybrid Era." As we navigate another new shift, how we connect, facilitate, and learn continually evolves. This workshop empowers you to master these changes and turn every learning event into an engaging, interactive experience.

Before the event, we focus on preparation - from familiarizing yourself with digital platforms for online contexts to understanding the dynamics of physical spaces for onsite events. Learn to harness the power of both worlds in a hybrid environment.

Shelle Rose Charvet

Influencer et persuader sur scène

Shelle Rose Charvet, CSP, HoF, Global Speaking Fellow

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
9:55 AM - 10:55 AM

Votre message en tant qu'orateur/trice, formateur/trice ou animateur/trice est important. Mais au-delà de votre message, c'est votre capacité à motiver et à captiver votre audience qui saura créer une expérience mémorable.

Testez par vous-même des stratégies pour bonifier vos prestations (en présentiel ou en ligne) afin d'attirer et de retenir l'attention de votre public.

Apprenez à utiliser l'espace et le temps pour:

  • faire voyager votre audience;
  • faire face à des personnes sceptiques ou désengagées, et
  • présenter une ouverture universelle pour engager tout votre monde.

Fred Colantonio

Innovation in the 21st Century — How to build and manage your dream team (even if you work alone)

Fred Colantonio

Tuesday, December 12, 2023  
11:25 AM - 12:25 PM

How do great innovators make connections that no one has made and have ideas that no one has had? What attitude should we adopt to transform our vision and create new opportunities to innovate? How do we bring together the right profiles to ignite innovation in brands, businesses, and companies?


Chris Davidson

How to Fix Lazy Websites - SEO Success Without the Frustration

Chris Davidson

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
11:25 AM - 12:25 PM

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) frustrates many business owners, and understandably so. Although there is no shortage of information, much of it appears conflicting. It’s unclear where the ‘truth’ lies, so it’s almost impossible to know where to start. COVID changed all our business models and a website that attracts and converts high-quality leads is now an essential business asset. SEO is one of the three ways to drive traffic to a website—and it’s the smartest, as it simultaneously delivers two results. It both grows your traffic volumes and increases the overall effectiveness of your website.

Carl Richards

The New Era Of Marketing: Why Speakers Should Have A Podcast

Carl Richards

Tuesday, December 12, 2023   
11:25 AM - 12:25 PM

Are you a speaker looking to enhance your marketing strategies and reach a wider audience? In the ever-evolving digital world, podcasts have emerged as a powerful tool for coaches, consultants, and speakers to connect with their more of their target audience while elevating their credibility.

In this workshop, we will explore the new era of marketing and delve into the reasons why speakers should have a podcast. We will uncover the unique benefits that podcasting offers and discuss how it can elevate your personal brand and expand your reach in ways that traditional marketing methods cannot.

Greg Schinkel

Impact: From Transactional to Transformational

Greg Schinkel, CSP

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
11:25 AM - 12:25 PM

Have you ever felt that you let your clients settle for too little impact from their training and speaking projects? Even though you can build a successful speaking or training business by being transactional (more gigs and higher revenue per gig), what if your efforts actually delivered transformation for the client?

Senior level executives are searching for solutions that empower accountability, accelerate improvement and compound results. And clients are more open than ever to co-creating a solution that goes beyond a simple training session or keynote… to a solution that increases profit and creates culture change. When you are able to demonstrate that kind of value and impact, the fees you charge become irrelevant because the ROI is exponential.

Denis Bourdreau

Êtes-vous vraiment aussi inclusif que vous le pensez ?

Denis Boudreau

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

En tant qu'orateurs professionnels, nous passons énormément de temps à façonner notre message, à en perfectionner la livraison et à élaborer les meilleures stratégies pour engager notre public. Pourtant, malgré tous nos efforts, nous risquons de perdre une partie de notre public à chaque fois. Les personnes ayant divers handicaps, les membres du public qui sont plus âgés, et ceux marginalisés par notre utilisation de la technologie peuvent souvent représenter jusqu'à 40% de la composition de tout public. Lorsque vous concevez des stratégies pour délivrer votre message depuis la plateforme, combien d'énergie mettez-vous sur l'impact que les handicaps et le vieillissement pourraient avoir sur la capacité de votre public à connecter vraiment avec vous ? Combien de membres de votre audience manquent votre précieux message, simplement parce que ces considérations ne sont pas sur votre radar ?

Sara Gilbert

Increase your mental fitness and elevate your speaking career (and impact)

Sara Gilbert

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Increase your mental fitness and elevate your speaking career (and impact)

A speaker is not only someone who speaks. A speaker is someone who ignites, activates, and lights a fire in others, to guide them to see or do things differently. But in order to do that for others, we need to embody it ourselves. So, how can we elevate ourselves first, so that, we can then use our talents to elevate others?

This experience is one for the books! It blends neurolinguistic programming, neuro science, positive intelligence, psycholinguistics, and other fascinating modalities.

Brian Lee, CSP

Do or Do Not, There is No Try

Brian Lee, CSP, HoF

Tuesday, December 12, 2023  
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Empowering the audience to live your message. Success is not what you learned or know, it is what you do with what you learned and know.

This session will provide you with an exciting roadmap with insights, platform skills, and content tools to empower audiences to implement the speaker’s message.

Engage the audience to take immediate action and overcome that Ebbinghouse Forgetting Curve that decimates their memory of your message quickly.  Empower your audience to stop procrastinating about what they need to be doing by drawing upon 6 powerful proven anti-procrastination techniques. And more

Jason Reid

Strategic Storytelling for Speakers: When Why and How to Tell The Right Story at the Right Time.

Jason Reid

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

As professional speakers, we all know how important stories are to engaging our audience. But despite their obvious value, we must remember that stories are simply tools that we use to achieve an outcome. By taking a strategic approach towards when, where, and how we tell stories in our talks, we can build presentations that are more powerful, and focused, and connect better with our audience.

In this session, story expert Jason Reid will explain the key concepts of strategic storytelling, while engaging you with questions that will allow you to create more effective narratives to better engage your audiences and make your message shine.