High Income Earners Group

Sat Dec. 9th, 2023
9:00 am to 1:00 pm (including lunch)

Impactful business discussions with your peers in a private, powerful, no-powerpoint zone.  The majority of the time will be spent on a Business Challenge Mastermind and a Business Success Showcase.  At the end of the session, we'll take a few minutes to discuss the plans for year-round HIEG programming.

Part 1 - Business Challenge Mastermind:  Bring one business challenge that you would like feedback on from your peers.  Each person can share one challenge, and a subgroup will provide suggestions and perspective based on their experience.

Part 2 - Business Success Showcase:  Share your most successful initiative.  Each person in your subgroup can ask questions to see learn how they might implement something similar in their business.

Part 3 - Wrap up, schedule for the year.  

Part 3 - Light lunch and informal conversations

Note:  This session is ONLY open to CAPS members who are members of the HIEG; e.g. whose speaking-related income exceeds $350K annually. (We're on the honour system.) GSF-affiliated members who meet this criteria are also welcome to attend.

About the High Income Earners Group (HIEG)
When you are running a business that is over $350K, the challenges that you face are different:  Business model changes, corporate structures, larger scale tech investments, organizational development, management issues, recruiting, financing, scaling issues, mergers and acquisitions, business sale, and so on. The purpose of the HIEG is to provide a forum to discuss these and other topical issues, along with programming for businesses that are scaling to $1M and beyond.  In prior years, the HIEG was focused as an event around the convention.  Going forward, the HIEG will function as a private CAPS community that meets consistently throughout the year, beginning with our first virtual session on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 7:00 pm ET.  Registration for the HIEG is for 2023 - 2023, and also includes the in-person event at the 2023 CAPS convention.   

2024 HIEG Chair: Randall Craig, CSP, HoF
Past chair: Peri Shawn

Tickets for the HEIG are just $157 and are available for purchase during CAPS Convention Registration.

Note: Participants should be able to verify they are earning a minimum of $350,000.00 per year from their speaking business to qualify.

Randall Craig, CSP, HoF

Randall is a serial entrepreneur, coaches CEOs on scaling their business, and leads the Braintrust Professional Institute.  He is the author of 8 books, and has built a library of over 1000 resources for his clients.  

Randall has helped over 100 organizations - from start-ups to multinationals -  scale their businesses, build capacity, and address their most pressing challenges.  He has taught at numerous executive education programs, serves on both corporate and not-for-profit boards, and frequently appears as an expert in the media. He has earned an FCMC, CFA, MBA, CSP, and a Black Belt in Karate. Randall has also been inducted into the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame.

Beyond his professional work, he is a leukemia and bone marrow transplant survivor, and has written the broadway-style musical "Who is Esther"