Attendee Need to Knows

We are less than a month away from Convention in Québec City, QC, and there are a number of NEW things to let you know about, that you may want to take advantage of. 

Now that you've registered, it is time to double check that everything is in place. Please go through this entire list... there's a lot of important updates and information you'll need to know!

Registration and Information Desk Hours

The Registration and Information Desk will be located in the Vechères room outside the main ballroom (Salle de Bal)

Saturday, Dec. 9th              8:30 am – 1:30 pm (Lower Level - Saturday only)
Sunday, Dec 10th               8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Monday, Dec 11th              7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday, Dec 12th              7:30 am – 5:00 pm

Your full Convention registration fee includes admission to all listed sessions (unless otherwise noted) any program materials, breakfast, lunches, networking breaks, and a ticket to the President’s Ball.


Getting to the Fairmont Château Frontenac

Fairmont Chatêau Frontenac is located at 1 Rue des Carrières, Québec, QC G1R 4P5, Canada.

There are no airport shuttles to the hotel.   Driving from Québec City Airport (YQB) to the hotel is approx. 20 minutes. Taxi services are available from the airport at a flat rate of $41.40 (day price) and $47.60 (night price - between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.). Uber is also available.

The hotel parking's entrance is accessible from St. Louis Street. Overnight self or Valet parking is $35 CDN per night (reduced from $45 CAD) per 24-hour period, including in and out privileges.  Daily self or valet parking is $25.00 CDN.


So What About The Weather In Québec City

It will be a little bit cool as we head into Québec City….. with highs up to 3 Celsius and lows of -18 Celsius (that’s a balmy 36 F and 0 F for our south of the border friends). Let’s hope the weather remains good and that no one encounters any airport/weather delays! However, a little dusting of snow will make this beautiful city and hotel a winter paradise.


Sensory Friendly Room available (Montcalm room - Level 2)

Your CAPS Québec convention team is pleased to make available a “Sensory Friendly” room (Montcalm - Level 2) for the duration of the convention. The sensory-friendly room is specially designed to prioritize a calm and comfortable environment, catering to individuals who may have sensory processing challenges or sensitivities. The room is thoughtfully arranged to minimize sensory stimuli, featuring soft lighting, muted colors, and sound-absorbing materials to create a tranquil atmosphere. Furniture and decor are chosen to be soothing, with options for varied seating preferences. Additionally, the room will have power bars where you can charge up your devices . The goal of this room is to offer a safe and inclusive space where individuals of all sensory profiles can feel at ease and supported. We ask that no talking or phone calls take place while you are in this space and that you respect your fellow CAPS colleagues who may also be making use of the space.

Votre équipe du congrès CAPS Québec est heureuse de mettre à votre disposition une salle « Sensory Friendly » (Chambre Montcalm - niveau 2) pour la durée du congrès. La salle sensorielle est spécialement conçue pour donner la priorité à un environnement calme et confortable, s'adressant aux personnes susceptibles d'avoir des problèmes de traitement sensoriel ou des sensibilités. La pièce est soigneusement aménagée pour minimiser les stimuli sensoriels, avec un éclairage doux, des couleurs douces et des matériaux insonorisants pour créer une atmosphère tranquille. Le mobilier et la décoration sont choisis pour être apaisants, avec des options pour des préférences de sièges variées. De plus, la salle disposera de barres d'alimentation où vous pourrez recharger vos appareils. L'objectif de cette salle est d'offrir un espace sûr et inclusif où les individus de tous profils sensoriels peuvent se sentir à l'aise et soutenus. Nous vous demandons de ne pas parler ni téléphoner pendant que vous êtes dans cet espace et de respecter vos collègues du CAPS qui peuvent également utiliser cet espace.


Simultaneous Translation (EN to FR)

New in 2023!  All Mainstage sessions will be available for simultaneous translation from English to French.  Simply bring along your personal device (phone, tablet, or laptop) plus your headphones and we’ll set you up (a limited number of devices and disposable headsets will be available for your use on-site).  Thank you to CAPS Québec Chapter for sponsoring this important value-add!


High-Income Earner's Group - Pre-Convention Session

For those earning $350,000 per year or more join Randall Craig, CSP for the High Income Earners Group (HIEG) on Saturday, December 9th from 9:00am to 1:00pm for only $157 plus HST for this session including lunch in impactful business discussions with your peers in a private, powerful, no-powerpoint zone. 

If you qualify and would like to join in on this valuable session, you can add this to a new registration, or if you have already registered for convention please click on the link provided in your "Registration Confirmation" email to add this great session!


Pre-Convention Workshop

If you have not registered for the Pre-Convention workshop yet, we are a bit confused. Why NOT?

For the low-low price of $197 plus HST which includes lunch, we offer a session in English "Let's Talk Money" hosted by Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas, Randall Craig, CSP, HoF, Sarah McVanel, CSP, and Stephen Libman -or- a session en Francais «Propulse Ta Carrière !» hosted by Nabil Doss.

You can add this workshop to a new registration, or if you have already registered for convention please click on the link provided in your "Registration Received" email to add one of these great workshops!

CAPS Foundation Night

Don't miss this very special event at the CAPS Convention. Join us on Monday, December 11th for the CAPS Foundation Night, where passion, purpose, and party blend into an unforgettable evening. Foundation Night 2023 will take place at the beautiful Morrin Centre, a short distance from our host hotel, the Chateau Frontenac.

This year you will be treated to a great meal, fantastic company, the opportunity to bid on amazing prizes, and stellar entertainment from Brant Matthews - AKA - The Fire Guy.

You can add the Foundation Night to a new registration, or if you have already registered for convention please click on the link provided in your "Registration Received" email to add this great event! Cost is just $135 and includes dinner.


Health and Wellness Sessions

If you are motivated by Cardio, Mediation, or Yoga, then we’ve got you covered. Try one on Monday and a different session on Tuesday. These sessions are geared to start your CAPS convention day off on the right note… with time to get ready for breakfast and the morning general session too!


Volunteers Wanted

Looking to help out during the Convention – we still have some volunteer openings – Room Hosts, Airport Greeters, etc. All Volunteers also receive a special invitation to the Volunteer Recognition Evening – Saturday December 9th.   Let us know if you would like to be a CAPS Convention Volunteer – Click here to register to Volunteer.


Convention Audio Recordings

We have so many great breakout sessions to choose from – and how do you choose but only one per time slot? One of the many benefits of having our convention at a venue with a top-notch AV team means we can take advantage of state-of-the-art technology. We are thrilled to announce that we will offer convention session recordings again this year. If you are registered for convention, you can purchase audio with synchronized slide recordings of all Breakout Sessions for the low price of only $59 (plus GST)! What is even more amazing is that we will hold this offer until December 31st, 2023. Meaning, you don’t have to pre-purchase and can purchase during convention or after - BUT, in January, the price will go to $125 (plus GST) for everyone.

You can add Audio Recordings to a new registration, or if you have already registered for convention please click on the link provided in your "Registration Confirmation" email to pre-purchase!

CAPS Convention Photographer

Need updated photos – Instant Memories (our 2018, 2019 and 2022 convention photographer) will be on-site with a full studio set up.

The CAPS special convention rate is a very reasonable $125 GST, including makeup (for a fee) if desired. 

Proofs will be emailed to you to make your selection after convention and payments will be processed on-site by Visa, MasterCard, Debit or Cash. Click here to Book and Reserve your spot!


President's Ball Seating

Our Convention Mobile App will make this process easier than ever as you can select a table at the President's Ball and invite table mates right from the App. CAPS does not need to get your table requests this year - just pick a table and invite others, or use the app to accept a table invitation from another attendee.


Meet The Experts

We knew this event was a popular one, and last year proved that beyond any question. Our Programming Committee has worked very hard to bring you some exceptional experts on intriguing topics. Our MTE Chairperson Glynis Devine will host these 20-minute round-table conversations. You will have the opportunity to register for 3 sessions and sit with your expert to help you get the answers you are looking for on their topic offering. Look in your email inbox for the links to choose your experts, or use the mobile app. This is a first-come, first-served link, so pick early to get the sessions you want.


Convention Schedule & Speakers

Please be sure to visit the Convention website for the latest program information prior to your departure to Québec.


Convention Partners, Sponsors, and Exhibitors

Thank you to all our convention partners, sponsors and exhibitors for your support of the 2023 CAPS Convention. Click here to view our 2023 Supporters. By visiting our Convention Exhibitors, you can earn points in our mobile app which will enter you in a draw for a chance to win some prizes.


Dress Code

  • Wear what you're most comfortable in, from casual to business (temperatures in meeting rooms may vary; please bring a sweater or a jacket)
  • CAPS Foundation Event (Off-site; Very casual)
  • President’s Ball (Formal and Fun)